

About Ohm Fitness

Ohm Fitness is committed to improving health and wellness by enhancing the benefits of yoga with those of grounding to Mother Earth. There are two distinct bodies of research which support and identify the tremendous health benefits of yoga and grounding as separate practices. Ohm Fitness creates innovative, patented products which harness the amplified benefits of grounding while practicing yoga. We believe that the combination of yoga and grounding will represent a new wave in understanding how our connection to the Earth, to ourselves, and to each other, can bring good health and wellness.

Our mission is to create a community that is healthy and well by virtue of the innovative combination of yoga and grounding.

Our company produces the Ohm Yoga Mat, the Ohm Health Strap and Ohm Studio System with pride in the USA, sustainably and safely.

To learn more about Ohm Fitness, visit our Research & Studies, Frequently Asked Questions, or  Contact Us.